About Us

SWAVISA was formally launched in Swaziland in December 2021; formed by survivors and family members of victims of the 2021 state violence. It is an organization led by survivors, to champion the cause of those that lost family members and those who bear the physical and emotional scars of the June 2021 and October 2021 state-sponsored violence.

As such SWAVISA is a key organisation in fighting for state accountability in respect of the human toll of the crackdowns. SWAVISA operates in a context where few civil society organisations are specifically focused on the myriads of issues facing survivors. Since its inception, SWAVISA has been relentlessly trying to co-ordinate efforts to ensure the physical survival of the families of the injured survivors. The organisation enjoys the support of a number of local and international rights organisations. To date, SWAVISA has a signed-up membership of 297 people and is growing. It is estimated that a consolidated database could go up to 1500 people if not more of directly affected survivors. The countrywide protests in 2021 resulted in approximately 100 people were killed; over 500 injured; over 700 arrested and detained and over 2000 people lost their livelihoods and jobs.
SWAVISA is a young organisation.  The founders have limited organisational skills and capacity and the leaders themselves must manage their own deep-seated trauma and pain. Therefore, for the organisation to be responsive to the multiple needs of the survivors and families of victims, it requires accompanying support and resources to formalise and consolidate the institutional capacity and to institutionalise programmes that address urgent needs and pursues justice, accountability and reparations for the survivors and families of victims- many of whom were innocent bystanders and young children.

Since its inception SWAVISA has championed the principle “nothing about us, without us” and as such the leadership have committed themselves to the building of the organisation, they are assisted in this endeavour by volunteers that assist with administration, the strategic development of the organisation, building solidarity and support for the survivor’s cause.
Despite the capacity and other contextual challenges, over the last 2 years SWAVISA has grown organisationally and in terms of its profile. The organisation maintains a high level of legitimacy and credibility. SWAVISA advocacy has brought on board new partners to support its vision and mission e.g. (Global Action-Denmark, CSVR-SA, Church Unity Commission-SA) and within the country SWAVISA is supported by civil society and religious organisations.


To be a haven and catalyst for the protection and fulfillment of human rights and justice for the massacre victims and survivors and their families in Eswatini and abroad.


We strive to serve the social, economic, and legal needs of our members through excellence in service provision, advocacy, and lobbying based on an agenda set and owned by the members

